Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 4 Day 2

Half way! I finished by half way point today. I'm still struggling with the 5 minute portions, but I get through them. The first one is usually fairly easy.

I didn't really feel like getting up this morning and thought about waiting til later in the day, luckily I pulled myself out of bed and get dressed. It was warm enough to go in shorts and a tee shirt, and cool enough to not get too hot.

I am staying at my brothers house out on the eastern shore of Virginia, so I had to find a new route. The one I picked I figured would have the least traffic, but I had to go through a stoplight. Luckily it was Sunday early morning, and there was no traffic. I hit it in a walking phase both directions, and walked right across the main road.

I ended up going about 2.6 miles, but it seemed like I walked a long way after the five minute cool down walk. I think I could run farther then the five minutes, but I'm not sure how far. One more day, and I'll be into week five.

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